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Behaviour for Learning

Meet our


Superheroes represent learning behaviours which we teach from Nursery through to Year 6.

Here are the key messages our children are getting from school, and you can use this language at home.



Rita Resilience



  • Being able to try again and bounce back when things don't go as we want them to.
  • Don't give up! Find another way to look at a problem, or try to see it from a different point of view.
  • We should try to solve problems ourselves because we’ll need to be able to do this as we grow up.
  • We know we can always ask for help from anyone we trust - in school, and family and friends.

Agent Endurance



  • Similar to resilience, but the difference is that we choose to endure.
  • Choosing to take on something difficult because it helps us improve.
  • Have you ever tried something difficult on purpose - and then stuck with it, even though it was tough? That's endurance.

Captain Challenge



  • When we challenge ourselves in the right way, we get better at things, faster.
  • We can take safe risks.
  • There are times to challenge ourselves, and times to take a step back.
  • In school, we can use the Chilli Challenge to push ourselves forward or to say, "I need more time on the earlier things."





Ivan Independence



  • Taking responsibility for ourselves.
  • Taking care of ourselves, and making sure we're safe.
  • Organising ourselves - have we got the things we need for today?
  • Asking for help when we need it.
  • Independence gives us freedom, but we remember to take safe risks.

Collaborative Crusader



  • Working together to solve problems or create something great!
  • Seeing things from someone else's point of view gives us good ideas!
  • Finding ways to resolve differences of opinion is a life skill, and everyone deserves to be heard.
  • A huge job becomes smaller when everybody helps.
  • It's fun and social to collaborate, and it brings members of a community together.

Edna Engager



  • Engage with what you're working on - and commit to it.
  • Learning how to avoid distractions and focus on goals is a life skill.
  • Really engaging helps us achieve our aspirations.
  • In school, engaging with our lessons helps us because we don't miss parts of the sequence we should be learning. Missing things could give us difficulties in the future.

Rocky Reflector



  • We can reflect on what's gone well, and what's gone badly, and ask ourselves why.
  • Reflection helps us learn from what's happened in the past.
  • It helps us avoid mistakes, and use the positive things to be successful.

Crystal Creator


  • Creativity brings happiness to ourselves and other people. Take every chance to be creative.
  • It's good to be able to think outside the box!
  • Take inspiration from other people - famous creators, those online, others in school, at home, and in the community.


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