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How do we develop the skills, knowledge and expertise of staff?

All staff, including teaching assistants (TAs), have training and guidance to meet the needs of our children as necessary. Our SENCO has a responsibility to arrange and provide this training, which focuses on ensuring that teachers and TAs:

  • have an awareness of the different special educational needs and disabilities of children in our school;
  • understand that they are a teacher of SEN pupils;
  • are able to plan and teach/support lessons which meet the needs of all children;
  • understand the social and emotional needs of children with SEND.


Every year we do an analysis of staff training needs which includes knowledge and expertise regarding different SENDs. Training needs usually arise as a result of a child with a specific need joining our school.

Our Staff Handbook provides written guidance about the different SENDs in our school. The Glossary provides a brief explanation of each area of need:

  • communication and interaction;
  • cognition and learning;
  • social, emotional and mental health difficulties;
  • sensory and/or physical needs.

We know that children may have a range of needs.


We provide a whole staff briefing on the procedures set out in our SEND policy – all staff receive a copy.


We provide/arrange training for all of our TAs who are working with children with particular SENDs. This has included training in Numicon, Precision Teaching and Phonics. We provide specialist training for Teachers and TAs who support children with complex needs.

Our SENCO attends training sessions run by local and national organisations.



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