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Snack Shack



Run by School Council, the Snack Shack is open for upper school children to buy snacks, drinks, and goodies like gel pens, erasers, notepads and other stationery. As well as being a lovely thing to have, it allows children to take responsibility for their own money and choose how they spend it.



We're all about healthy snacks at Codnor Primary School - BUT!!

Remember that FRIDAY IS



The Snack Shack was made possible by the amazing work of Codnor Primary School Upcyclers, who worked during the pandemic to fundraise for our school by literally cleaning up Codnor - and then turning the glass bottles they rescued into beautiful, illuminated works of art.


Hundreds of children and adults in our community were involved. Litter-pickers in hand, they combed the streets and parks and climbed through bushes, filling thousands of bin bags with rubbish and rolling abandoned vehicle tyres away for proper disposal. Some of those tyres were expertly upcycled into planters!


We are so grateful to the whole team - including the shops who kindly stocked and sold the bottles, and everyone who donated prizes, gifts and money to the Upcyclers' fundraising cause. The Upcyclers were even interviewed on Radio Derby and BBC Local News!


Snack Shack construction
