A set of values and key messages for our children which help them to do well personally and academically throughout their time at our school, and in their later lives at secondary and beyond.
We teach these hand-in-hand with Christian Values and Behaviour for Learning. | ||
For yourself and others
There are people around us who help us to stay safe, but we must also take responsibility for our own safety.
Our safety is important especially when out and about in the community (road safety and Clever Never Goes), when online, and when considering our own mental health and wellbeing.
We wouldn't get far without taking a risk in the right way - safe risk-taking is a life skill. We must look carefully at the new things we are trying and think: 'Is this a safe risk?'
It's important to look after other people's safety, too. If we can't help them ourselves, we ask someone else who can.
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Your choices → your actions → your consequences
Consequences are things that happen because of choices we've made, and what we've said and done. We are each responsible for our choices, and we own them.
Consequences can be positive (good) or negative (bad). They happen to us whether we're children or adults. Part of becoming a good citizen and member of a community is being aware of possible consequences, and then making the right choices.
We all make mistakes. We must take responsibility for these, own up to them, and find ways to put them right. "I won’t do that again!" We are all learning, constantly.
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You're here to do your best for yourself
Instead of thinking, 'This is easy!', think, 'How can I challenge myself to make more progress?' Use the Chilli Challenge.
Taking small steps is fine. In fact, breaking larger goals down into smaller steps helps us achieve the tough stuff.
The best rewards come from inside. The feeling that we are doing well and getting better at something drives us much more than a prize, certificate or sticker (though they are nice too!)
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Give it, and expect it back
Consider feelings and use empathy. Think about how other people will feel before we say things or do things. Empathy is seeing a situation from someone else's point of view and understanding why they feel a certain way.
Respect doesn't mean we all have to think the same way. It's fine to agree to disagree.
Everyone's unique - and that's great because it keeps our lives interesting, and everyone brings something different to our community. Celebrate differences!
Match behaviour to the situation. Self-regulation is a skill we need throughout our lives, and it helps us to be successful. We are not moderating our behaviour just because someone is watching.
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We're in it together
Each of us is a member of many communities - the small community at home; our family, school, church and local community; clubs we may attend; and the global community.
A community in which there is mutual respect allows us to feel safe and happy, and we all have a part to play in this. Being supportive and tolerant of other members creates that culture.
Look after our places. Being in a nice place is good for our wellbeing and mental health, and shows consideration and respect for other people in our community.
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