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What do we do to make sure all children feel welcome and included; and that they achieve their potential?

Our SENCO has overall responsibility for SEND, and SEND issues are discussed in Senior Leadership Team meetings. We keep support for children with SEND under review, using our additional needs register.

Our SENCO also monitors the day to day provision. Teachers are responsible for providing groups and pupils with interventions which support their specific needs.

She keeps a list of children we identify as having SEND on our additional needs register.

She also keeps a record of the different ways that we provide extra support (for example, support for reading, communication and maths) for children with SEND. 

A child’s provision can also be found on their Individual Provision map. This is sent home to ensure parents are aware of the provision their child is receiving. Parents will receive a copy of these provision maps three times a year. 

We carefully monitor the progress and wellbeing of children with SEND and the quality of our provision, including teaching and support. For example all leaders observe lessons and hold discussions with teachers and support staff.

If something is not working well, we change and improve our provision. We make sure that support is well matched to a child’s needs. We also make sure that the provision is well researched and effective. Intervention ideas and strategies are given to staff by the SENCO. Information on these strategies can be found in the staff room.

The governing body challenges us to make sure we constantly improve the quality of provision for children with SEND and the outcomes that they achieve.

We have several parents on the governing body and one of their roles is to represent the views and concerns of all parents, including those whose children have SEND.

We have a governor who takes a particular responsibility for SEND matters. She meets with our SENCO, looking at teaching and learning (this role is currently being filled).

We involve governors when we review and revise our SEND policy and our SEND Information Report.



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