Thank you for your interest in our school.
Information about sending your child to our school is below. We'd love you to visit us and see our school in session - we're very proud of our children and the education we provide for them. If you haven't done so already, please see our Welcome page for information about our vision and values, and you can view information about our curriculum on the Curriculum page.
Codnor Primary School offers a flexible and inclusive approach for children whose parents wish them to access Nursery provision prior to starting school.
We have 26 places per session for children from the age of 3. For admission to Nursery there are usually three intakes in September, January and Easter. Nursery children start with us in the intake after their third birthday (January and Easter intakes are subject to places being available after the September intake). Our school offers five sessions, Monday to Friday, and these are morning and afternoon sessions. The morning times are 8:30 to 11:30 and the afternoon times are 12:30 to 15:30. We can only offer a minimum of 15 hours and if your child starts in September there may not be the possibility of extending their hours in the January if we are full.
We also offer eligible parents an additional 15 extended hours free. To take advantage of the full additional 15 hours, our Nursery is extended over the lunch hour for those parents who are eligible. From September 2024, if your child attends the full session of 8.30 - 15.30 Monday to Friday, then this does equate to 35 hours so there will be an additional charge of £5.40 per day for the extra hour. From September 2024, all children who stay for a school meal in Nursery will have to pay £2.50 for a school meal or alternatively you can send your child with a packed lunch. We have held off charging parents extra costs in order to support them but with the introduction of 30 hours all parents should now be paying considerably less for childcare.
Please note the Nursery sessions are 8.30 - 11.30 and 12.30 - 15.30 and these are not going to change from September 2024.
To check if your child is eligible for additional hours please visit
You can register your child with us at any time and we will add them to our waiting list. If an intake is over-subscribed, priority is given as follows, and this is followed regardless of how long a child has been on the waiting list.
How to apply for a place: Parents can phone 01773 742537 or email to put their child's name down for Nursery and we will complete the necessary form with you. Open days are advertised on our website for everyone to come and have a look around.
Waiting List: Parents are encouraged to put their child's name down for Nursery as soon as possible, stipulating which session they would prefer their child to access and which sessions they are eligible for. This helps Nursery to predict and therefore plan for cohort size.
Place Allocation: Parents will be contacted the term before their child is due to start Nursery, asking whether parents still require a place. Provisional places will be allocated the term before the child starts Nursery, following the criteria for admissions. Places will be confirmed by letter along with the transition information. September starters are usually contacted in May, and January starters are usually contacted in October. If there is still availability after the children have started in January, we will look at Easter starters and contact those parents in February to confirm any place availability.
Once confirmation has taken place, the intake period is 'locked down' as the new starter induction process begins. If a new family request a place then this will be allocated dependent upon availability. Parents are expected to respond and accept the place within the time limit set, otherwise they will be taken off the intake and waiting lists and a place offered to another child.
If there is no place available for a child who is eligible for nursery funding, school will contact parents informing them of this as soon as is possible.
We have a meeting with parents in the term before their child is due to start Nursery and children will also be invited to a 'stay and play' session. This covers all the starting arrangements and gives parents an insight into the curriculum and an opportunity to meet the Early Years Foundation Stage staff.
Parents of children who are due to enter Reception in September have to apply to Derbyshire County Council for a school place. Please click here for more information regarding school admission arrangements.
Your current childcare provider should give you relevant information on the application process and when it opens. We have a meeting for parents in the term before their child is due to start Reception. The meeting covers all the starting arrangements and gives parents an insight into the curriculum. It also provides an opportunity to meet the Early Years Foundation Stage staff, and other parents and children.
Parents of children who are due to start at a junior school in September (Year 3) have to apply to Derbyshire County Council for a school place. Please click here for more information regarding school admission arrangements.
For any in-year transfers, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact school on 01773 742537. Arrangements to visit our school are very welcome - please do contact us if you would like to have a look around.
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