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How do we review children's progress?

It is very important to us that ALL of our children enjoy success and achievement, and that they make good progress in their learning.

We use the information we have about each child who has been identified as having SEND to plan a programme of SEND support on our provision maps. This information is sent home each term to ensure that parents/carers know how their child is progressing. We develop this in partnership with parents and the child, and discuss outcomes during parents' evenings.

The individualised provision map includes short term outcomes (targets) and describes how we will support a child to achieve these targets.

Termly, key stage leaders and the SENCO review how well all children, including those with SEND, are progressing. Where necessary, pupil progress meetings are held with teachers to discuss progress so far and next steps.

We make sure that parents/carers know the next steps for learning for their child.

We report formally once a year on the progress of all children, including those with SEND, and for some pupils we will provide more frequent reports.



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