The School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme which reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school. Ofsted use the Mark award as part of their inspection framework and schools can use it as a development tool to aid the PE teacher or Head teacher.
The School Games is a unique opportunity to motivate and inspire millions of young people across the country to take part in more competitive school sport.
In 2013/14 the school achieved the Bronze School Games Mark.
In 2014/15 we managed to achieve the Silver Mark which is fantastic news for the school and shows our commitment to PE, School Sport and Leadership.
In 2015/16 we once again achieved Silver but our children were getting more opportunities than ever before to participate in PE, sports and leadership and we are very proud of what we are doing in the school.
In 2016/17 we achieved Gold as we were successful in engaging 56% of our children in competition and school sport, with 66% of children in our school involved in extra-curricular activities as a whole, whilst also endeavouring to promote leadership and ensure all children do a minimum of 2 hours of curriculum PE.
In 2017/18 we have successfully achieved gold once again with a huge increase in participation - up to 72% - of children from years 2-6 who participated in some form of extra-curricular competitive sport, with 72% of children in our school involved in extra-curricular activities as a whole. We also had our best year for sports leadership and maintained our commitment to provide at least 2 hours of curriculum PE.
In 2018/19 we have successfully achieved gold once again with a slight drop in participation - down to 65% - but last year was a very high level to maintain and improve upon, with 78% of children in our school involved in extra-curricular activities as a whole. We had another good year of sports leadership and maintained our commitment to provide at least 2 years of curriculum PE.
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