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How do we listen and respond to children with SEND?

We know that the only way we can really find out if a child is happy, feeling safe and taking part in the full life of our community is for the school to be certain that it hears the voices of children, especially those most vulnerable.

We make sure that we listen to children in our school and respond to what they say in a number of ways, including:

  • ensuring that children have someone to talk to if they need to express any worries or concerns;
  • during/after lesson observations, talking to children and/or groups of children to understand their experience;
  • inviting children to make personal contributions to their Annual Review meetings, for example though a PowerPoint presentation;
  • completing an annual pupil questionnaire on pupil voice – giving children their say;
  • encouraging children to respond to feedback given through marking and feedback;
  • agreeing with them individual targets;
  • making sure that our School Council is inclusive and represents the whole of our community;
  • ensuring that our safeguarding procedures are strong and that all staff are well trained.



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