The percentages show how many pupils reached the Expected Standard, against the national average.
Subject | School | National |
Reading | 69.4% | 74.3% |
Writing | 77.8% | 71.8% |
Mathematics | 88.9% | 73.1% |
Reading, Writing & Mathematics combined | 63.9% | 60.6% |
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling | 80.6% | 72.2% |
The percentages show how many pupils reached the High Standard, against the national average.
Subject | School | National |
Reading | 22.2% | 28.5% |
Writing | 11.1% | 12.9% |
Mathematics | 25.0% | 23.9% |
Reading, Writing & Mathematics combined | 5.6% | 7.7% |
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling | 41.7% | 32.0% |
A pupil's scaled score is based on the number of questions which they answered correctly in their SAT test. A score of 100 is the standard which pupils are expected to reach (the 'Expected Standard'). The values compare our school's average scaled score against the national average.
Subject | School | National |
Reading | 103.7 | 105.2 |
Mathematics | 106.4 | 104.4 |
The PSC is taken towards the end of Y1. Pupils who did not pass by the end of Y1 in the previous year take the test again towards the end of Key Stage 1 (Y2).
Year | School | National |
Pass at end of Y1 | 67.9% | 80% |
Pass by end of Y2 (KS1) | 94.3% | 89% |
The MTC is an on-screen assessment designed to determine whether pupils can fluently recall their multiplication tables up to 12x12, through a set of 25 timed questions. The test is taken towards the end of Y4.
School average score | 22.2 |
National average score | 20.2 |
School pupils achieving full marks | 44.4% |
National pupils achieving full marks | 29.0% |
You can view our school's entry in the DfE performance tables by following the link to the DfE below, and view school's entry on the government's schools financial benchmarking service.
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