| The Internet is GREAT! It helps us to: - Play games and have conversations with real people while we're playing.
- Buy things, including 'coins' or other currency in games.
- Watch TV programmes and movie clips.
- Find out about things we're interested in.
- Stay in touch with friends and family.
- Have discussions with other people who are interested in the same things as us.
When we connect our computer - or another device like a tablet or phone - to the Internet, it allows us to share things with other people, and to see things they've shared, too.
The world online is just like the real world outside the front door of our houses. And just like in real life, we have to make sure that the people we're talking to, and the places we are visiting, are safe and trustworthy.
In our online safety assemblies in school, we have talked about how to stay safe when using a computer or other device connected to the Internet, and what to do if something happens which we know is unsafe or which we don't like. Here's the list which we all made together. Please talk to Mr Blake if you can think of something else to add to our list.

Our Rules for Staying Safe Online
by the children of Codnor Primary School
- Don't spend too much time gaming or online - you have a life outside of computers! Take some fresh air and see your friends in real life!
- Don't post any personal information online (like your name or address, or the name of your school).
- Keep pictures and videos of you to yourself. Don't put them online.
- If you see anything which is rude, upsetting or inappropriate, tell an adult and let them deal with it.
- If someone you're talking to online or by text suggests that you meet up in real life (even if it's someone you know), tell an adult.
- If someone is bullying you online or by text message - saying horrible things or threatening you - tell an adult and make it stop. This is called cyber-bullying, and it's just as wrong and hurtful as real-life bullying! There's some advice about this here <- click!
- If someone you know is using social media (like Facebook), tell them to make everything about their profile private by using the website's settings.
- Remember that someone who talks to you online (for example, in a game) can pretend to be anyone! They might say they're one of your friends or family just to get you to chat with them or trust them.
- If an email or a website says that you've won something, you haven't really! They're just trying to get you to click something. Delete it or close the window.
- Remember that once something is posted online or uploaded, it can stay out there even if you delete it. People can copy it to their computer, tablet or phone. Think before you post or upload anything - do you really want that comment, video or picture out there forever?
- Make sure all your passwords are secure and not easy to guess. Use some numbers and a mix of upper and lower case letters.
- Keep your devices up-to-date. Always install updates as soon as you can.
- Have an anti-virus program on your computer and keep it up-to-date. Here's a free one <- click!
This young lady shows
that she can write almost as quickly
as people talk. Nice handwriting, too! 
If you're worried about something and you don't feel that you can talk to a trusted adult about it, you can always call ChildLine for a chat on 0800 11 11 OR you can chat to them online at this link. They can give you help and support with whatever is worrying you. Your call won't show up on a phone bill. |
The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew

Aaarrr mateys! And other pirate noises. It's The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew! They're in search of treasure while staying safe online - on the high seas! Watch these videos to join the adventure and learn more about online safety - and how to deal with things you might encounter when your computer, phone, tablet or console is connected to the Internet.
Click a chapter to begin.
Visit ThinkUKnow
Thanks to Childnet International for permission to use their great videos!
A Visit from the Police!
While we were putting this page together, our local police officers visited to talk to Y6 about issues around online safety, social networking and cyber bullying. After an interesting presentation, many thoughtful discussions took place. One of the police officers said that you were 'clued up!' about online safety. That's quite a compliment!