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What is a SEN information report?

Codnor Primary School's SEN information report sets out what we provide for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) throughout their time with us. It explains how we support them on to the next stage of their education. Our SEND policy gives more detail about our day-to-day procedures.

Derby Local Authority also publishes on its website a Derbyshire Local Offer – setting out a wide range of information about the specialist services, schools, colleges and organisations which can provide support and information for families of children and young people with SEND. It explains the procedures for requesting an assessment for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). You will also find information about:

  • where to go for advice and guidance on SEN and Disability matters;
  • leisure activities for children with SEND;
  • arrangements for resolving disagreements and mediation.

The purpose of our school's SEND information report is to inform parents and carers about:

  • how we welcome into our school children with special educational needs and/or disabilities;
  • how we support them in all aspects of school life and remove barriers to achievement;
  • how we work in close partnership with parents/carers and children;
  • how we make effective provision for all of our children with special educational needs and disabilities.


We will keep our SEN information report under review by asking parents and children what is working well and what they want to improve.



About Codnor Primary School

We are a Derbyshire Primary School for children from Nursery to Year 6. Pupils can start nursery at the intake after their third birthday. Our most recent 2021 OFSTED report noted: "Leaders make sure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, get the help they need."


What our children tell us

We asked our pupils with SEND to say how they felt about different aspects of school. The survey was anonymous because we wanted to know what they really thought. The following responses are 'most or all of the time'.

  • 88% say that they enjoy school and that their lessons are interesting and fun.
  • 100% say they feel safe, that there is an adult they can go to if they are worried, that they learn a lot in lessons, and that they are treated fairly.
  • 75% say their school work is interesting and that they are trusted to do things on their own.



Our vision for curriculum - what we think is important

We aim to deliver "A purposeful journey for the whole child, which equips our pupils with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in all aspects of life, both inside and outside of the classroom." Click here for more information about our curriculum.




The Policies page on our website contains the SEND policy, and the school office can give you paper copies of school policies. All pupils on our additional needs register have a leaflet sent home to inform parents and carers about the types of support their child is receiving and how well they are doing in these areas. This is called a Personal Learning Plan (PLP).

If you would like to talk to a member of staff about any part of our SEND provision, please contact the school office. We can arrange for the appropriate member of staff to speak with you over the phone or meet you in person to answer your questions.

Mr James Blake is the school's Headteacher, and Miss Harriet McKirdy is the SENDCO. Our Governor for SEND, Mrs Louise Cross, has responsibility for monitoring and supporting the school on SEND matters for our governing body.


You can contact our SENDCO directly by emailing sendco@codnor.derbyshire.sch.uk.


Codnor Primary School’s SEN information report links to the information which Derbyshire Local Authority provides for parents and carers of children with SEND. You can see this on its website here: www.localoffer.derbyshire.gov.uk.


SEN information report

Whole School Provsion
