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Governing Body

Our Governing Body was reconstituted in September 2015 and currently consists of parent governors, an LA governor, staff governor, headteacher, foundation governors, and co-opted governors.


You can email the Governing Body at governors@codnor.derbyshire.sch.uk. Our Clerk to Governors will receive this, and then forward your email on to the appropriate governors or committees.



Financial Information

Our school is benchmarked against other schools of a similar size, free school meals, number of children and employees etc. Further information can be found at the schools financial benchmarking service.


We do not have any employees at our school who earn in excess of £100.0k. 


Governing Body

Chair of Governors

Key Stage One Governor

Mrs Katie Bell: Foundation

Term of Office: 4 years to February 2027

Committees: Pupil Premium and Performance Management

Relevant Business interests: None

Relevant Financial interests: None

Details of other educational establishments of which you are a governor: None

Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None


Vice Chair of Governors

Cllr Chris Emmas-Williams: Local Authority

Term of Office: 4 years to October 2024

Committees: Personnel & Finance and Performance Management 

Relevant Business interests: None

Relevant Financial interests: None

Details of other educational establishments of which you are a governor: None

Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None


Co-opted Governors

Miss Rebecca Wilson: Co-opted 

Term of Office: 4 years to August 2028

Committees: Pupil Premium

Relevant Business interests: None

Relevant Financial interests: None 

Details of other educational establishments of which you are a governor: None

Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None


EYFS Governor

Mrs Michelle Steeples: Co-opted 

Term of Office: 4 years to April 2027

Committees: Curriculum

Relevant Business interests: None

Relevant Financial interests: None

Details of other educational establishments of which you are a governor: None

Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None


SEN Governor 

Mrs Louise Cross: Co-opted 

Term of Office: 4 years to October 2025

Committees: Curriculum

Relevant Business interests: None

Relevant Financial interests: None

Details of other educational establishments of which you are a governor: None

Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None


Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Melissa Eggleston: Co-opted 

Term of Office: 4 years to October 2025

Committees: Personnel & Finance

Relevant Business interests: None

Relevant Financial interests: None

Details of other educational establishments of which you are a governor: Ripley Nursery School

Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None


Associate Governors

Rev Christopher Holden: Associate

Relevant Business interests: None

Relevant Financial interests: None

Details of other educational establishments of which you are a governor: None

Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None


Key Stage Two Governor

Mr Chris Howe: Associate

Committees: Pupil Premium, Performance Management, and Personnel & Finance

Relevant Business Interests: None

Relevant Financial interests: None

Details of other educational establishments of which you are a governor: None

Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None


Miss Laura Marshall: Associate

Relevant Business Interests: None

Relevant Financial interests: None

Details of other educational establishments of which you are a governor: None

Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None



Mr James Blake: Headteacher

Term of Office: Start date September 2018

Committees: Personnel & Finance, Performance Management, and Premises

Relevant Business Interests: None

Relevant Financial interests: None

Details of other educational establishments of which you are a governor: None

Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None


Staff Governor

Mrs Rebecca Hibbitt: Staff Governor

Term of Office: Start date January 2020

Committees: Curriculum

Relevant Business Interests: None

Relevant Financial interests: None

Details of other educational establishments of which you are a governor: None

Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives:  Daughter of School Business Assistant


Clerk to Governors

Mrs Jackie Waller


At the most recent Full Governors meeting on Thursday 2nd May 2024, there were no declaration of business interests and no declaration of financial interests on any of the agenda items. The overall governor attendance was 83%.



Governor Resignations

Mr David Birkby: Parent

Term of Office: 4 years to November 2020

Date Appointed to the Governing Body: November 2016

Term of Office: End of term November 2020


Mr Philip Moss: Chair of Governors 

Type of Governor: Co-opted Governor

Date Appointed to the Governing Body: November 2004

Term of Office: Resigned February 2020


