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Mathematics throughout the school follows the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014. For more information about our curriculum, you can speak to your child's teacher, a senior leader, or our curriculum leader (Mrs Becky Hibbitt).



Key Stage 1

Throughout KS1, Mathematics is taught within class groups. The children are taught in differentiated within the classroom setting. All staff ensure that Mathematics is taught through a range of teaching styles in order for all children to access the learning irrespective of their learning style. The children within KS1 are continually assessed against the new 2014 national curriculum objectives during their day-to-day learning; this enables the teaching staff and children to set achievable yet challenging numeracy targets which will support them in reaching their next level.


Wherever possible, we link Mathematics to our current topic to ensure that the children have the opportunity to apply the skills that we are learning within other situations.


Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2, we follow the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014. We are currently moving towards the 'mastery' approach to teaching mathematics, and have seen many early successes. Please check back here soon for more details regarding this approach.


Topics covered

The following topics are covered throughout the year. The teacher uses their own judgement to manage the order and timings of topics. This is important because some concepts build on others, e.g. ‘numbers with decimal points’ are taught before ‘measurement of length’. If the children are to understand "one point four metres", they need an understanding of fractions and decimals first.


Ongoing objectives

  • Place value
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division


The ongoing objectives are taught as discrete lessons and are also integrated into ‘topics’ – using the skills throughout.


Other topics

  • Fractions (Y3)
  • Fractions including decimals (Y4)
  • Fractions including decimals and percentages (Y5-6)
  • Ratio and proportion (Y6)
  • Algebra (Y6)
  • Measurement (Y3-6)
  • Geometry – properties of shapes (Y3-6)
  • Geometry – position and direction (Y4-6)
  • Statistics (Y3-6)



Children are assessed directly against the objectives from the National Curriculum Programmes of Study. Teachers assess informally during lessons, and small formative written/mental tests take place throughout the year. Assessments build up an invaluable map of a class’ knowledge and understanding.


Data from these assessments allow teachers to adjust their planning, set targets for their pupils (showing them how to improve their numeracy), and enable them to prioritise support/intervention for children and groups who need extra help to secure troublesome concepts.



Children are usually given maths homework weekly. This enables parents to get involved with their children’s learning and join in with their studies.


Instant recall of times tables facts (in both multiplication and division) and number bonds are absolutely vital. Children should know the times tables up to 12 × 12 by the end of Year 4. Working on this at home will really help children to make good progress and enjoy their mathematics.


Please talk to the teacher of your child’s maths class at the end of the school day if you would like more information on how to help them at home. We operate an ‘open door’ policy to parents and carers, and we are more than happy to discuss your child’s learning and answer any questions.



Practical lessons involving problem-solving and teamwork are built into each topic by the teacher. Our school follows the 'RUCSAC' approach, which gives children a step-by-step procedure for reliably solving written and practical problems, and develops their self-checking procedure. Click the link below for more information.

More information

Click a Key Stage below for more details of the opportunities we provide for our children, and the lists of learning objectives to which we teach.
