Just a quick reminder of class e mail addresses if you are having any problems accessing the remote learning for your child or if you need a reminder of your log in details.
nursery@codnor.derbyshire.sch.uk Nursery Mrs Hobson
pandabears@codnor.derbyshire.sch.uk Reception Miss Akhtar
koalabears@codnor.derbyshire.sch.uk Rec/Year 1 Mrs Rogers
polarbears@codnor.derbyshire.sch.uk Year 2 Miss Wilson
missbarton@codnor.derbyshire.sch.uk Year 2/Year 3 Miss Barton
missmckirdy@codnor.derbyshire.sch.uk Year 3/Year 4 Miss McKirdy
mrbuckle@codnor.derbyshire.sch.uk Year 4/Year 5 Mr Buckle
mrsgoodburn@codnor.derbyshire.sch.uk Year 5 Mrs Goodburn
year6@codnor.derbyshire.sch.uk Year 6 Mrs Hibbitt
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