Sports update from Mr Hutchinson.
AVSSP Indoor Rowing Plus
A group of children from across the school were chosen to represent us in the AVSSP Indoor Rowing Plus competition and finished 3rd! The children received Bronze wrist bands as a reward for their high placing.
The competition was at Ripley Leisure Centre and featured schools from across the borough of Amber Valley. Our children took part in both individual and team relay races on rowing machines against other schools. Myself and Miss McKirdy were very impressed with how incredibly supportive the children were of their team mates. My personal highlight was seeing the children enjoy themselves in what was a new activity and new setting for most of them.
Thank you to AVSSP for another fun competition!
We should all be proud of how passionate and well behaved all the children were when representing the school, they were incredible!
AVSSP Indoor Rowing
A group of our Year 6 children were chosen to represent us in the AVSSP Indoor Rowing competition and finished 11th. The competition was at Ripley Leisure Centre and featured schools from across the borough of Amber Valley, split in to 3 Heats. We were placed into the 3rd Heat which unfortunately meant we had A LOT of waiting, but I was incredibly impressed with the patience and focus shown by the children (and parents!)
As I now know is the norm at our wonderful school, the children were incredibly passionate and supportive towards each other. I could not have asked any more from any of them as they gave their all for the school on the rowing machines and supported each other when off them, they were perfect.
Thank you to AVSSP for another fantastic competition despite the challenging circumstances! The range of activities and opportunities they offer us are on par or above any borough in the county!
A massive thank you as well to all the parents, guardians and grandparents who helped with lifts to and from the event – I have honestly been blown away with the level of support we have received from our parents and families, I speak to Sports Co-ordinators regularly and know that they are not always as lucky as we are in the level of help we get from our school community, thank you!
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