ONE WEEK TO GO before the new school year starts! We're looking forward to seeing you all, and we hope you've had a lovely summer. Our Useful Information page for parents is up to date and viewable at this link (opens in new window).
ParentPay is a popular request from our community. It enables parents to pay for things like school dinners and school trips using an app on their phone, rather than sending in cash. Children received sign-up details in a letter at the end of the last school year.
Parent Hub is a free app which lets parents pick up school's messages on their phone. Messages can be sent to parents of children in particular classes, or those who are attending an after-school club. It's a useful way to stay in touch. Search for Parent Hub in your app store, and then use the information in this leaflet to join your app to our school.
We hope these services will help us to further develop communication between school and home. If you are struggling to sign up, or haven't got the details, please contact the office and we will be able to help.
We will be offering wraparound care from Monday 18th September. There's more info at this link.
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