The DfE are providing supermarket vouchers for children who are registered to have Free School Meals. Please note this does not mean the universal free school meals that children in Reception to Y2 receive – only those who are registered for Free School Meals are entitled to a voucher.
There will be one £15 voucher available per week for each child who is registered for Free School Meals, but parents/carers have to claim these first. If you have more than one child, the value of the vouchers will be added together (e.g. a parent with children in Y2 and Y5 will receive a £30 voucher).
To claim the voucher, you’ll need an email address. If you haven't got one, you can get a free address at (choose 'Create an Account').
Please then email your children's names and classes to, and we will add you to the list.
Codes for the vouchers will be sent to your email address. You can then use these codes to claim the vouchers by following the instructions in the email.
You must let us know if you want the vouchers by 3.30PM on Sunday 12th April, as we will put the orders in then.
For more information about how the vouchers work, select this link.
Thank you.
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