The Teacher in Reception is Miss Marshall and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Shaw. We are very excited to Welcome you to our class page and you will find lots of information about our curriculum and learning here. . Our PE day is Monday so please ensure that your child brings a PE kit on that day.
You can access our numbots and purple mash learning online and each child has their own login. Please see the learning at home page for more information and if you would like your child's login, please let a member of staff know or send an email to our class email.
This half term we will be looking at doubling, sharing and grouping. We will also be moving onto looking at and solving number problems using our knowledge of numbers.
We will be reading a range of different non fiction books about houses and homes. We will be creating our own maps of our local area and labelling them, drawing and writing a description of our house, and writing about houses around the world. We will also be reading the story 'We're going on a bear hunt'. We will be creating our own 3d story maps and talking about the different environments in the world. We will also be looking at different facts.
Understanding the World
We will be looking at different countries and places around the world. We will be talking about different climates, houses, animals and communities that live there. We will also be making our own maps of the school field and looking at Google Earth to look at our local area.
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